How does it feel to hear a friend or an associate speak words of comfort to you during a grieving moment or a very stressful time? The disciples of Jesus were already grieving because Jesus told them that he will soon go back to the Father. Jesus compassionately told them, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, You have faith in God, have faith also in me.” Jesus teaches them to believe in him and also believe in God. John put together in the gospel a step by step teaching of Jesus about himself, his connection to God, and his mission to humanity. Jesus taught them about the inseparable and unbreakable bond of love and unity between him and God the Father. What the Father is doing is what the Son is doing. “I and the Father are one.” But how can the two be one God? This teaching was a bit high for Jesus disciples to understand. Jesus was teaching them divine reality that does not make sense to them. It was very difficult for the disciples to understand, especially for Philip and Thomas. Philip just like Thomas has the policy of not believing in anything he cannot see or touch. Philip told Jesus to show them the Father, and that is all they needed. For Philip, just a physical picture is enough, there is no need for a long teaching about what does not make sense. Have we not seen people like Philip and Thomas who would not like to hear anything about God. They only want to know if you have seen God. If we have to believe only because we can see or touch then we cannot believe in anything at all. The doubt that comes from total dependence on our physical senses is what Jesus was trying to help his disciples overcome. So that they can live by the power of faith. Jesus would say, “Blessed are those who did not see and believe.” They have to believe that God exists even when they have not seen God. They have to believe that heaven exists even when they have not seen heaven. “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling place. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?” By this word Jesus teaches them that heaven is real. But if heaven is real, how do we get there? Thomas asked Jesus, “show us the way.” Was Thomas asking Jesus for a physical map? The map that Jesus would give to Thomas was Jesus himself. Jesus told Thomas, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” The way, truth and life are some of the things many people struggle with. Many people struggle to find the right way to live. Many people struggle with the true meaning of human existence. Some people just exist but struggle to live. Jesus teaches us that to believe in him and live by his words and principles is to be on the right way. To live by Jesus words and principles is to live by the truth. To believe in Jesus and live by his words and principles is to have life. Just as Jesus was connected to God the Father, we who believe in him are also connected to the Father. Peter teaches us in the second reading, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own.” These words were formerly used only for the descendants of Abraham. But Peter teaches us that by believing in Jesus and living according to his words and principles we become the chosen people of God. We have to live every day offering praises and thanksgiving to God. Jesus wants us not only to be united to him but that all Christians should live in unity and peace. The first reading teaches us about the crisis among the early Christians. As the Church grew in number with Christians from different backgrounds, languages and culture, crisis and division came in. But through the power of the Holy Spirit the apostles were able to resolve this trouble in the early Church. Deacons were ordained to serve God by working for unity and peace among the Christians. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work through the leaders of the Church to resolve issues that threatens the unity of the Church today.